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Sleepy Hebal Tea Bags

Sleepy Hebal Tea Bags

Sleepy Herbal Tea Bags - Extra Strength.
Kintra Foods Sleepy herbal tea is a gluten-free, calming and relaxing fusion made using organic chamomile, organic spearmint and organic lemongrass. An extra strength blend, this tea is a great way to relax, unwind and get ready for a good nights sleep.

Recipe ideas:

1. Sleepy Herbal Tea Breakfast Quinoa: Start your day with a warm bowl of quinoa cooked with Sleepy Herbal Tea for a subtly flavored, protein-rich breakfast. Sprinkle chopped fruits or nuts for added crunch and nutritional value.
2. Lemongrass Chicken with Sleepy Herbal Tea Marinade: Marinate chicken pieces in a mix of Sleepy Herbal Tea infusion, honey, and spices. Grill it for a smoky taste or bake for a healthier alternative. 
3. Sleepy Herbal Tea Smoothie: Blend Sleepy Herbal Tea, spinach, bananas and a touch of honey for a revitalizing morning smoothness. 
4. Spearmint Sleepy Tea Popsicles: A fun treat for the kids, freeze Sleepy Herbal Tea combined with honey and citrus juice into homemade popsicles.
5. Chamomile Rice Pilaf: Cook rice in Sleepy Herbal Tea blend to infuse it with a unique flavor. Mix in some fried veggies for a hearty side dish. 
6. Sleepy Herbal Tea-infused Lentil Soup: For a soothing dinner option, prepare a lentil soup using this calming tea blend as the broth base.
7. Spearmint and Chamomile Tea Pancakes: Incorporate Sleepy Herbal Tea into your pancake batter for an interesting twist. Serve with a drizzle of honey for a perfect breakfast.
8. Sleepy Herbal Tea Oatmeal: Simmer your oats in this calming tea for a relaxing start to your day. Top with fresh fruits and a dollop of yogurt for a delicious, healthy breakfast.
9. Herbal Tea Poached Pears: Poach pears in Sleepy Herbal Tea for a light yet decadent dessert infused with the subtle flavors of chamomile, spearmint and lemongrass.
10. Spearmint Lemon Pasta: Use Sleepy Herbal Tea to make a light pasta sauce with lemon, garlic, and fresh herbs. Indulge in this beautifully flavored pasta for a unique dinner experience. 
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