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Original Keto Creamer

Original Keto Creamer

Original Keto Creamer - MCT Oil & Coconut Milk
Botanika Blends Keto Creamer is a vegan friendly, gluten-free and 100% natural blend of coconut-derived MCT oil and coconut milk. It's the perfect alternative for anyone looking for a creamy addition to their morning coffee, hot chocolate or drink of choice.
The Benefits of MCTs When consumed, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are metabolised into ketones, which are rapidly absorbed to give you access to clean energy and improved mental focus.
The ultimate kick start, this pure MCT oil powder is an optimum, all-natural fuel for brain and body - it's also ideal for those on low-carb or ketogenic diets.

Recipe Ideas with Keto Creamer

1. Keto-friendly Morning Coffee: Boost your breakfast routine with a cup of coffee infused with Original Keto Creamer. The MCT oil and coconut milk add a rich creaminess that keeps your energy levels high throughout the morning.
2. Whip up a Honey-Drizzled Keto Smoothie: Blend fresh strawberries, blueberries, and bananas with a spoon of Original Keto Creamer for a vitamin-packed start to your day. Drizzle a bit of honey on top for extra sweetness. 
3. Vanilla-Flavored Keto Porridge: Combine gluten-free oats with Keto Creamer, vanilla extract, and a sprinkle of cinnamon to make a batch of heart-warming vanilla keto porridge. 
4. Chilled Keto Chai Latte: Make a refreshing afternoon pick-me-up by adding Original Keto Creamer to your home brewed chai tea. Chill for a cooler variant or serve warm for traditional comfort.
5. Green Keto Cleanse Juice: Combine cucumber, spinach, celery, lemon juice, and Original Keto Creamer to create a healthy, phytonutrient-rich drink that's low in carbs and packed with goodness. 
6. Hearty Keto Pumpkin Soup: Blend roasted pumpkin, onion, garlic, vegetable broth and Original Keto Creamer to make a creamy, satisfying soup perfect for lunch or dinner.
7. Sautéed Keto Veggies: Sauté your favorite vegetables in Original Keto Creamer and a dash of olive oil for a nutrient-rich side dish that complements any meal. 
8. Decadent Keto Hot Cocoa: A spoonful of Original Keto Creamer enhances homemade hot cocoa's richness, while also adding a boost of healthy fats. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a dollop of whip for added decadence. 
9. Keto Creamer Ice Cream: Blend bananas, Original Keto Creamer, vanilla extract and your choice of sweetener, freeze for a few hours and enjoy a dairy-free, keto-friendly ice cream. 
10. Whipped Keto Dips: Whip Original Keto Creamer with your favorite seasonings to create flavorful dips that are perfect for parties or game nights. 

These recipes highlight the versatility of Original Keto Creamer, demonstrating how it can be incorporated into both sweet and savory dishes to add creaminess while keeping meals keto-friendly and healthy. Each recipe respects the health properties of Original Keto Creamer, ensuring that you enjoy delicious meals without disrupting your low-carb or ketogenic diet. Enjoy!
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