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Mug Cakes - Double Choc Fudge

Mug Cakes - Double Choc Fudge

Easy to Make, Marvellous Mug Cakes - Double Choc Fudge This sensational treat by Botanika Blends is carefully crafted using plant-based, 100% natural and organic ingredients. A high protein, deliciously moist treat, this rich dessert can be made in your favourite mug by just using a microwave - ready in only one minute!
Made with 100% natural & organic ingredients High in protein, with 11g per serve Super convenient and easy to mix Just add water, ready in only 1 minute Vegan, dairy-free, egg-free and refined sugar-free No artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners Decadently delicious double choc fudge flavour
Directions: Mix 50g (3 Tablespoons) of mix in 70ml of water in your favourite mug & microwave for just 50 Seconds
Size: 100g Bag

Recipe Ideas with Mug Cakes Double Choc Fudge

1. "Double Choc Fudge Breakfast Croissants": Kick start your day with these delectable croissants filled with the double choc fudge mug cake mix. You'll enjoy a hearty and high protein breakfast that's simple to prepare, satisfying both your chocolate cravings and nutritional needs.
2. "Protein-Packed Parfaits": Layer your favorite fruits, Greek yogurt, and Marvellous Mug Cakes - Double Choc Fudge in a glass. This is a visually delightful and nutrition-packed treat that is low in sugar and high in protein—a perfect dessert alternative the whole family will love.
3. "Fudge Flapjacks": Use the Double Choc Fudge mix in your regular pancake batter for an exceptional breakfast delight. A brilliant way to incorporate a sweet, chocolaty, and high-protein aspect to your usual morning fare.
4. "Nutty Protein Bars": Combine the Double Choc Fudge Mug Cake mix with oatmeal, honey, and your choice of nuts and seeds. Bake until crispy. These bars are a stand-out grab-and-go breakfast or snack. 
5. "Choc Fudge French Toast": Amp up your traditional French toast with a sprinkle of Double Choc Fudge mix. It will leave your taste buds dancing and your body fueled until lunch.
6. "Protein Popsicles": Blend the Double Choc Fudge mix with your choice of a dairy-free milk alternative and freeze in popsicle molds. An utterly guilt-free, protein-rich, and refreshing summer treat.
7. "Marvellous Muffins": Substitute a part of your usual muffin batter with the high-protein Double Choc Fudge mix. The result? A batch of moist, chocolaty, and protein-laden muffins perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.
8. "Fudge Glazed Fruit Skewers": Skewer your favorite fruits, lightly grill, and drizzle with a sauce made of Double Choc Fudge mix, almond milk, and a touch of honey. A great way to encourage kids to enjoy a colorful, nutrient-rich snack.
9. "Protein-Packed Milkshake": Blend a banana, your choice of dairy-free milk, a scoop of your favorite natural vanilla protein powder, and a tablespoon of Double Choc Fudge mug cake mix. Pour into a glass and enjoy a tasty, protein-powered shake that'll keep you full for longer!
10. "Choc Fudge Overnight Oats": Add the Double Choc Fudge Mug Cake mix to your overnight oats to add an extra protein kick and a dash of indulgence to your healthy morning routine.
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