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Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter With Chia & Hemp

Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter With Chia & Hemp

Chantal Organics Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter with Chia & Hemp is a power packed spread that can be enjoyed on toast, stirred into porridge or straight off the spoon.

Recipes ideas using this Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter:

1. Almond Butter Overnight Oats: Soak some oats in almond milk and add a dollop of Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter With Chia & Hemp. Add a dash of honey or maple syrup for sweetening, if preferred. Let it rest overnight for a health-packed, easy breakfast idea. 
2. Almond Butter and Banana Smoothie: Blend one ripe banana, a tablespoon of the Almond Butter and your choice of milk. A nutritional supplement that works perfectly as a quick breakfast or afternoon snack. 
3. Apple and Almond Butter Pinwheels: Thinly slice some apples and spread a generous layer of the Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter on one side. Roll it up for a fun, nutritious snack that kids will absolutely love. 
4. Grain-free Almond Butter Pancakes: Mix almond flour, a spoonful of the Almond Butter, eggs and bananas for a grain-free, protein-loaded pancake batch. Top with berries for added fiber and antioxidants. 
5. Almond Butter and Turmeric Roasted Carrots: Glaze fresh carrots with a mixture of Almond Butter, turmeric, olive oil and a hint of honey, then roast until caramelized. An immunity-boosting side dish that will surely impress. 
6. Cinnamon Almond Butter Energy Balls: Roll oats, the nutritious Almond Butter, honey and chia seeds into small balls, then let them chill. An ideal grab-and-go snack for busy families.  
7. Spinach and Almond Butter Smoothie: Blend spinach, a dollop of the Almond Butter, and a ripe banana. The almond butter will mask the spinach taste, making it a great way to sneak in greens for picky eaters. 
8. Almond Butter Stuffed Dates: Stuff a date with the Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter for a simple, decedent sweet treat that is packed with fiber and nutrients. 
9. Spicy Almond Butter Tofu Stir-fry: Marinate tofu pieces in a mix of the Almond Butter, soy sauce, garlic and a dash of sriracha, then stir-fry with colorful veggies. A protein-rich dinner that is just as delicious as it is nutritious. 
10. Almond Butter Dipping Sauce: Blend the Cinnamon Spiced Almond Butter, coconut milk, garlic and a hint of chili for a unique dipping sauce. A perfect complement to grilled chicken or vegetable skewers.
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