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Biostime Sn-2 Bio Plus Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink Stage 3

Biostime Sn-2 Bio Plus Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink Stage 3

Made from certified organic ingredients, Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink has been scientifically developed to provide quality organic nutrition for growing toddlers aged from 12-36 months. We source our premium organic milk and cream from Normandy, France which has some of the finest nutrient rich pastures in the world. Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink contains prebiotic FOS as well as B. infantis, a probiotic naturally found in the digestive tract of breast-fed infants. Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink is palm oil free, formulated to Australia's high standards, and has a naturally smooth and creamy taste.Made from certified organic ingredients, Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink has been scientifically developed to provide quality organic nutrition for growing toddlers aged from 12-36 months. We source our premium organic milk and cream from Normandy, France which has some of the finest nutrient rich pastures in the world. Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink contains prebiotic FOS as well as B. infantis, a probiotic naturally found in the digestive tract of breast-fed infants. 

Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink is palm oil free and formulated to Australia's high standards.With a naturally smooth & milky taste, it contains additional nutrients to help support your toddlers: Digestive System -with Calcium, contributing to the normal function of digestive enzymes. Growth & Development - with Vitamin E, B1 & B2 contributing to normal growth and development in children. Immune System Function - with Vitamins B6, B12, C and Zinc to support normal immune system function. Cognitive Function - with Zinc, which contributes to normal cognitive function.

How to incorporate this Nutrient-rich formula into your toddler's diet:

Organic Berry Smoothie:

Blend Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink with a handful of mixed berries for a delicious and nutrient-packed smoothie. This refreshing drink is perfect for breakfast or a healthy snack for toddlers.
Creamy Banana Oatmeal:
Upgrade your toddler's breakfast by cooking oatmeal in Biostime toddler milk and topping it with slices of ripe banana. The creamy texture adds a delightful twist to a classic and nutritious morning meal.
Probiotic Yogurt Parfait:
Create a toddler-friendly parfait by layering Biostime toddler milk yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. This delightful treat not only tastes great but also supports your toddler's digestive health with the added benefits of prebiotics and probiotics.
Organic Toddler Mac 'n' Cheese:
Prepare a wholesome mac 'n' cheese by incorporating Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink into the cheese sauce. Add finely chopped vegetables for added nutrition, creating a well-rounded and delicious meal.
Nutty Energy Bites:
Make nutritious energy bites by combining Biostime toddler milk with oats, nut butter, and a touch of honey. Shape into bite-sized balls for a convenient and healthy snack that toddlers can enjoy throughout the day.
Veggie-Packed Scrambled Eggs:
Enhance the nutritional value of scrambled eggs by whisking them with Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink. Add finely chopped vegetables like spinach and bell peppers for a tasty and nutrient-rich meal.
Organic Toddler Rice Pudding:
Create a comforting rice pudding by cooking rice in Biostime toddler milk. Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon on top for added flavor, offering a nutritious and satisfying dessert or snack.
Fruity Chia Seed Pudding:
Prepare a chia seed pudding by soaking chia seeds in Biostime toddler milk and refrigerating overnight. Top with fresh fruit for a delightful and nutrient-packed dessert or breakfast option.
Organic Toddler Pancakes:
Whip up fluffy pancakes by using Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink in the batter. Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of berries for a delightful breakfast treat.
Smooth and Creamy Porridge:
Cook a smooth and creamy porridge by using Biostime toddler milk with oats. Top with sliced fruits or a dollop of yogurt for a nutritious and hearty meal for toddlers.

Experiment with these creative ideas to incorporate Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink into your toddler's diet, ensuring they receive essential nutrients while enjoying delicious and wholesome meals.

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