212 Potassium Benzoate

Posted 25 Oct 2023
212 Potassium Benzoate

What is Potassium Benzoate?

Potassium benzoate, identified by its code E202, stands as the potassium salt of benzoic acid, denoted by the chemical formula C7H5KO2. Although it can occur naturally in certain fruits and vegetables, the potassium benzoate used in the food industry is primarily produced synthetically. Its principal role is as a food preservative, skillful at restraining the growth of microorganisms like bacteria, yeast, and moulds. By carrying out this function, potassium benzoate plays a pivotal role in upholding the quality, flavour, texture, and shelf life of a wide array of food products [1, 2].

Applications in Food

The applications of potassium benzoate span a broad spectrum of food and beverage items. Its utilisation encompasses:

  • Carbonated Soft Drinks: In carbonated beverages, potassium benzoate plays a critical role in preserving the freshness and warding off spoilage.

  • Fruit Juices: It extends the shelf life of fruit juices by curtailing microbial growth.

  • Salad Dressings: Potassium benzoate safeguards against spoilage in salad dressings, ensuring that products maintain their quality.

  • Condiments: From ketchup to mayonnaise, many condiments incorporate potassium benzoate to ensure a longer shelf life.

  • Dairy Products: Certain dairy items, like cheese, enlist potassium benzoate to protect against microbial contamination.

  • Baked Goods: Its use is evident in preserving the freshness and extending the shelf life of bread and pastries [1, 2].

Purported Health Implications

While potassium benzoate itself may not directly contribute to health benefits, its role as a preservative is of paramount importance. By restraining microbial growth, it significantly contributes to overall food safety, reducing health risks associated with consuming spoiled or contaminated food items [1, 2].

Although allergic reactions to potassium benzoate are rare, they can manifest as skin rashes, hives, or itching. If you have a known sensitivity or suspect an allergy, it is prudent to exercise caution and seek guidance from a healthcare professional [3].

Recommendations for Safe Consumption

  • International Regulations: The use of potassium benzoate as a food preservative is meticulously regulated by international bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). These organisations oversee its usage to ensure it is safe and that quality standards are upheld.

  • Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI): The European Food Safety Authority Panel of Food Additives and Flavourings (EFSA FAF Panel) has established an ADI for potassium benzoate. The ADI for potassium benzoate is set at 5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day [4]. Adhering to these recommended limits is pivotal for ensuring safe consumption.

  • Moderation and Balanced Diet: Like any food additive, moderation is key. While potassium benzoate is generally safe when used within recommended limits, maintaining a balanced diet rich in fresh, minimally processed foods is essential. An over-reliance on preserved or processed items may not provide all the essential nutrients required for overall health.


  1. Anyasi TA, Jideani AI, Edokpayi JN, Anokwuru CP. Application of organic acids in food preservation. Organic Acids, Characteristics, Properties, and Synthesis; Vargas, C., Ed. 2017:1-47.

  2. Dey S, Nagababu BH. Applications of food color and bio-preservatives in the food and their effect on human health. Food Chemistry Advances. 2022 Oct 1;1:100019.

  3. Dendooven E, Kerre S, Foubert K, Pieters L, Lambert J, Goossens A, Aerts O. Allergic contact dermatitis from potassium benzoate and sorbic acid in topical pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Contact Dermatitis. 2021 Aug;85(2):171-7.

  4. Younes M, Aquilina G, Castle L, Engel K, Fowler P, et al. Opinion on the follow‐up of the re‐evaluation of sorbic acid (E200) and potassium sorbate (E202) as food additives. EFSA Journal. 2019 Mar 1;17(3).

  5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Food Additive Status List. 2023.

  6. European Union. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on food additives. 2008, Dec 16.