143 Fast Green FCF

Posted 21 Oct 2023
143 Fast Green FCF

What is Fast Green FCF (E143)?

In the world of food additives, Fast Green FCF (E143) is a name that might not ring a bell for most people. However, it plays a significant role in the vibrant hues of certain foods and beverages. Fast Green FCF, identified by the code E143, is a synthetic food dye classified as a colour additive. It is primarily used in the food industry to impart a green colour to various products, including desserts, beverages, candies, and baked goods [1]. 

Purported Health Implications of Fast Green FCF

While Fast Green FCF is considered safe for consumption within established limits, it's essential to be aware of potential health implications:

  • Allergic Reactions: As with many synthetic food colourants, some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to Fast Green FCF, leading to adverse reactions such as skin rashes or gastrointestinal discomfort [2]. If you suspect an allergy, consult a healthcare professional.

  • Hyperactivity Concerns: Research has explored potential links between synthetic food colourings, which may include Fast Green FCF, and hyperactivity in children, especially those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)[2]. However, the evidence is not conclusive, and further research is needed to establish a definitive connection.

  • Potentially toxic to the neural system at high concentrations: Fast Green FCF is not permitted as a food additive in Europe, due to mice studies showing dyes or combinations of dyes may be neurotoxic in high concentrations [3]. However, there is no strong or conclusive evidence.

Recommendations for Safe Consumption

EFSA ADI Guidelines: According to EFSA, the ADI for Fast Green FCF (E143) is not specified, which means that no specific daily intake limit has been established. However, EFSA conducts safety assessments on food additives, including Fast Green FCF, to ensure their safe use in the food industry [4]. It's essential to note that regulatory authorities in various countries may have established acceptable daily intake (ADI) levels for Fast Green FCF and other food colourants to ensure safety for consumption. Staying within these established limits is a key part of safe consumption.

  • Read Food Labels: Always check product labels for the presence of Fast Green FCF (E143). This is especially important if you have known allergies or sensitivities to food colourants. Familiarise yourself with the ingredient list to identify products containing this synthetic dye.

  • Consume in Moderation: Consume products containing Fast Green FCF in reasonable amounts, as excessive concentrations of this dye may pose health risks. 

  • Prioritise Natural Alternatives: Consider choosing products that use natural food colourings or those that do not contain synthetic dyes. Natural alternatives, such as spinach or spirulina extract, can provide green colour without the use of synthetic colourants.

  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: As always, if you suspect you may be sensitive to Fast Green FCF or experience adverse reactions after consumption, consult a healthcare professional for guidance and potential allergy testing. They can provide personalised advice based on your specific health needs.


  1. Corradini MG. Synthetic Food Colors. Melton L, Shahidi F, Varelis P, editors. ScienceDirect [Internet]. 2019 Jan 1 [cited 2023 May 26];1:291–6. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780081005965216065

  2. Arnold LE, Lofthouse N, Hurt E. Artificial Food Colors and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms: Conclusions to Dye for. Neurotherapeutics [Internet]. 2012 Jul;9(3):599–609. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3441937/

  3. Chiva-Blanch G, Cofán M. Dietary Intakes and Metabolic Disorders. Nutrients [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 Oct 6]; Available from: https://mdpi-res.com/books/book/5898/Dietary_Intakes_and_Metabolic_Disorders.pdf?filename=Dietary_Intakes_and_Metabolic_Disorders.pdf

  4. European Food Safety Authority. Food additives [Internet]. European Food Safety Authority. 2019. Available from: https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/food-additives


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